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Friday, June 13, 2014

Dining Room Vignette

Well,  I have been a woman on a mission.  I have been shopping our house, moving everything from room to room, from place to place, and I've been spending a lot of time thrifting.  I suppose you could say I have been on a major decorating binge. Nevertheless, I love when rooms start to really take shape and feel the way I want them to feel.  Don't you? I want our house to feel classy, youthful, and a little whimsical, and I feel like I am finally getting to a happy place.  How cute is this little space?!  I've been messing with it non-stop for about a month, and I am in LOVE with how it looks right now with the shuttered mirror, the cute little bird planters and ferns, my pretty blue bowls, the little Victorian-esque bust, and my candlesticks.  I just purchased the toolbox (and the birds) from my sweet friend Susan from Must Love Junk.  Her shop is my weakness.  (Of course, I am sure you can see why.  She finds the BEST stuff!)   I love the French stenciling... and I love the translation too.  "Bookkeeper".  It could not be a better fit for me.  I definitely identify with a bookkeeper because I have quite the extensive home and school libraries... so that little connection makes me LOVE it even more.  Plus, this little vignette gives our Craigs List dining set from the 1970's a little more character and spunk.  You can see it peeking through in the mirror!  LOVE! LOVE!  LOVE!  I can't wait to see how the room continues to transform as I refine and tweak the design over time.  It's hard to imagine that it will be any better than this, but somehow I know that it will.  :) 

 photo hewwo-signature.png

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